What is Occupational Therapy?


Occupational Therapy is a client-centered health profession concerned with promoting health and well-being through occupation. The primary goal of occupational therapy is to enable people to participate in the activities of everyday life.

The areas of practice are in cognition, visual-perceptual deficits, psychological deficits, and physical disabilities. Occupational therapists can work along the entire life spectrum from neonatal to hospice and can be found in schools, hospitals, out patient centers, factories (and more) utilizing their skills in maximizing a person’s capabilities to obtain their goals of purposeful activities.



When Occupational Therapists finish their formal education (Bachelor’s, Master’s, or PhD levels), we have a broad base of knowledge without depth in any specific area of practice. All Occupational therapists are board certified Nationally and within the state they practice. In the state of North Carolina, occupational therapists are required to utilize continuing education opportunities on a yearly basis and renew their state license, and many Occupational therapists choose to specialize in a specific area of practice. Most of us are drawn to specific areas of practice because of our own life experiences. Regarding whether an occupational therapist is who is best suited to address your specific needs, I like to state that it is “about the tools” or modalities that each therapist chooses to utilize. Each OT is different, each toolbox is equipped differently. For the last 14 years, I have primarily focused on studying manual techniques. Which includes any “hands on” treatment techniques. The various manual techniques I’ve studied are gentle, relaxing, and promote the person’s ability to self correct and rid itself of pain and increase mobility for safe strengthening and therefore: return to purposeful activities of daily living, leisure pursuits, and independent living skills.


Pertinent Manual Therapy Continuing Education

  • CranioSacral Therapy I and II
  • Kinesio Taping
  • The Gastrointestinal Tract
  • Lymph Node Decongestion Therapy
  • Manual Edema Mobilization
  • Strain-Counterstrain Therapy
  • Positional Release Therapy
  • Muscle Energy and Beyond for spine, pelvis, ribs, upper quadrant
  • Myofascial Release and Mapping
  • Women’s and Men’s Health Issues
  • Women’s Health Advanced Tutorial (2005, 2006)
  • Threshold Electrical Stimulation
  • Hand and Upper Quadrant: Compression and Compartment Syndromes
  • Inflammation- The Silent Killer
  • Women’s Health- Obesity, Menopause, and Fatigue
  • NDT Adult Certified
  • Mature Woman- Aging Effects on Pelvic Dysfunction, Pelvic Descent, Back Pain and Balance


What issues can these modalities address:

  • Upper extremity (shoulder to hand)
  • Limitations in range of motion
  • Pain
  • Sensory deficits (numbness/tingling ect.)
  • Swelling
  • Decreased coordination and strength (gross and fine)
  • Trunk and Pelvis
  • Pain
  • Digestive disruptions (constipation to fecal incontinency)
  • Swelling
  • Urinary Incontinency/retention
  • Limited mobility and strength
  • Sexual Dysfunction

Individualized goals will relate to how these issues impact/limit activities of daily living, independent living skills, avocational, and vocational activities.