Diane DouglasDiane Douglas is an Occupational Therapist licensed in North Carolina. Diane graduated from the College of St. Catherine in St.Paul, Minnesota in 1991. Since 1991 she has worked in a variety of traditional therapy settings including acute care, inpatient rehabilitation, home health, long-term care, and outpatient centers throughout Western North Carolina.

In 1998 Diane initiated her education in manual therapy through the School of Integrative Manual Therapy. Subsequently in 2004 she completed research treating urinary incontinence which was funded by a grant from a not-for-profit local hospital in Western North Carolina and was provided with research and statistical direction from Western Carolina University. The research focused on utilizing manual therapy techniques, pelvic floor exercises, and external electrical stimulation. The research resulted in positive statistically significant outcomes. This led to the only evidence-based program in Western North Carolina for treatment of urinary incontinence.

Diane’s current professional focus is in the expansion of her manual therapy skills while integrating various other therapeutic approaches to address comprehensive pelvic health issues and upper extremity/hand issues in order to maximize each client’s ability to perform meaningful activities. She is able to offer these services to both adults and children.